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Tifosy Wallet

What is my Tifosy Wallet?

Your Tifosy Wallet contains all funds held by you on the Tifosy Investment Platform. This includes funds that you have deposited directly into your Tifosy Wallet or any cash returns that have been paid to you in respect of investments that you hold through Tifosy (please note this applies only applicable to investments made after 1st July 2019).  Your Tifosy Wallet is located within your Tifosy profile and each Tifosy member’s wallet can support GBP and EUR.

Your Tifosy Wallet will also display all open investments associated with your account. These are investments which have not yet completed (as the investment has not yet closed or remains subject to issuer approval or regulatory checks) but for which you have correctly allocated funds.

As such, your Tifosy Wallet shows three balances, which may all be the same or different at any given time. You should note that Tifosy Wallet balances only reflect funds actually received by Tifosy and not funds that are expected to be received. The three Tifosy Wallet balances are as follows:

  • Total Balance: this is the sum of all balances held in your Tifosy Wallet at any given time.
  • Available Balance: this is the amount of money held in your Tifosy Wallet that has cleared regulatory checks and has not yet been committed by you to an investment application or a Tifosy Exchange transaction. This is the balance that you can currently invest or withdraw from your Tifosy Wallet.
  • Committed Balance: this is the amount of money that you have committed to an investment application or a Tifosy Exchange transaction that has not yet completed. These funds cannot be withdrawn without cancelling the associated transaction.

You can deposit funds into your Tifosy Wallet at any time, using one of the accepted payment methods and in any of the currencies supported by Tifosy which include GBP and EUR. The actual funds corresponding to the balance in your Tifosy Wallet are held in a client money account at a major UK bank.

The first time you deposit funds into your Tifosy Wallet, you will be required to add additional security to your Tifosy Profile (if you have not already done so) and provide details of a bank account into which withdrawals from your Tifosy Wallet can be paid.

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